User roles

Find out about the different user roles you can assign users of the Wpay Connect Portal.

In the Wpay Connect portal, the actions that users can perform depend on which Organisational Unit they belong to:

Organisational unitTechnical adminOperations managerFinance managerTeam member
Manage users and give permissionsYesNoNoNo
View and search paymentsYesYesYesYes
View and download reportsYesYes (non-financial only)YesNo
Refund, void or capture online transactionsYesYesNoNo
View Buyers information for online transactionsYesYesYesYes

To find out which one is the most appropriate role, see below:

Role NameDescription
Technical adminThis user has access to all Connect portal functions and features with the ability to add and assign users.
Operations managerThis user can access Connect portal functions related to operations such as viewing and searching payments, refunding/void/capture of online transactions and viewing operational reporting.
Finance managerThis user can access all financial information for reconciliation purposes.
Team memberThis user can only view and search payments. This is the most basic role available.