Payments search and details

Find out about how to search payments and the payments detail page.

To find your payment transactions, use the built-in search filters in the Payments dashboard. When you perform a search, the payment transactions that match your search criteria will appear and they will be sorted by transaction date in descending order. Each column within the table is sortable, allowing for enhanced navigation. Additionally, you may apply various filters to streamline your search results further.

Payments search

Payment search dashboard

Payment search dashboard


The payment dashboard allows users to search for payments using a range of search filters. Some filters may be hidden depending on the type of merchant (in-store / ecommerce), e.g. Buyer filter will be hidden for in-store and shown only for ecommerce merchant. You can refer to Account hierarchy to understand the difference between in-store and ecommerce merchants.

Field NameDescriptionApplies to
Date rangeThe transaction date range (from and to) in user's local time.In-store, Online
Transaction IDThe various payment identifiers such as Connect transaction ID, orchestration ID, payment processor ID, and Scheme transaction ID.In-store, Online
Merchant reference IDThe unique merchant-generated order reference or tracking number.In-store, Online
AmountThe total transaction amount (exact and amount range).In-store, Online
Last 4 digits of PAN/DPANThe last four digits of the credit/debit card.In-store, Online
Merchant nameThe list of sub merchants under the user's tenancy (see Managing account hierarchy for more details).In-store, Online
Account nameThe buyer's account associated with the Alternative Payment Method (APM) or digital wallet such as Afterpay and PayPal.In-store, Online
CurrencyThe payment currency.In-store, Online
SchemeThe payment scheme, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, JCB, etc.In-store, Online
Payment methodThe payment method e.g. PayPal, PayPal Pay in 4, Apple Pay, Google Pay.In-store, Online
StatusThe payment status of the transactionIn-store, Online
Terminal IDThe ID of a payment terminal within a store.In-store
Store IDThe ID of a specific store.In-store
STANThe System Trace Audit Number (STAN) of an in-store transaction. STAN is a number generated by the cardholder bank that can be used to identify a payment.In-store
RRNThe Retrieval Reference Number (RRN) of an in-store transaction. RRN is a numeric key to uniquely identify a card-based payment.In-store
Card acceptor name locationThe store location for in-store or the online payment statement descriptor.In-store, Online
Sub-statusReason for why the payment was declined - refer to Payment Status and Sub-status for more details.In-store, Online
Card input methodIdentifies the method used to provide card information.In-store, Online
Card typeCard type, e.g. credit card, fuel card, etc.In-store, Online
ChannelAn indicator whether the payment was done through online or in-store channel.In-store, Online
Transaction typeIdentifies the type of the payment.In-store, Online
BuyerSearch by buyer ID, first/last/full name, or email.Online


Status filtering for multi-tender transactions

For transactions split between the primary payment method (e.g. card / Paypal) and gift cards, the Status filter applies both to the individual tender within the transaction and to the overall transaction status.

In the example below, filtering by Skipped returns a Failed transaction because the gift card tender underneath it was skipped due to a failure in the primary tender transaction using Paypal.

Payment details

Payment details page

Payment details page

In the Payment details page, you can find the following information.
Note: Some fields may not be shown depending on the type of transaction.

Below, you will find the section name, the field names and their descriptions.

Section / CardField NameDescriptionApplies to
MainAmount and CurrencyThe total transaction amount and currency.In-store, Online
StatusThe status of the payment.In-store, Online
Transaction timestampDate and time of the payment converted in user's local time.In-store, Online
ChannelAn indicator whether the payment was done through online or in-store channel.In-store, Online
Card number/Account nameThe card number or the email address of the account used for payment.In-store, Online
SchemeThe card scheme used for payment.In-store, Online
Payment methodThe payment method e.g. PayPal, PayPal Pay in 4, Apple Pay, Google Pay, debit card, credit card.In-store, Online
Transaction IDThe unique identifier assigned to this payment by Wpay.In-store, Online
Merchant reference IDThe unique identifier assigned to this payment by the Merchant.In-store, Online
Transaction typeIdentifies the type of the payment . e.g. Purchase, Refund, Reversal.In-store, Online
Store IDThe unique identifier assigned to the store where payment originated from.In-store
Local transaction timestampDate and time of the in-store payment in the original payment store location.In-store
Payment timelineAllThis section displays important events associated with the ecommerce payment.Online
Item informationAllThis section displays list of cart items associated with the ecommerce payment.Online
Payment detailsCard numberThe masked PAN (First six + last four) when a scheme card was used for payment.In-store, Online
SchemeThe card scheme used for payment.In-store, Online
Payment methodThe payment method e.g. PayPal, PayPal Pay in 4, Apple Pay, Google Pay, debit card, credit card.In-store, Online
Card typeCard type, e.g. credit card, fuel card, etc.In-store, Online
ExpirationThe expiration date of the scheme card used for payment.Online
CurrencyThe payment currency.In-store, Online
CountryThe country associated with the payment method used for payment e.g. the country of issuance of the scheme card.In-store, Online
Issuer institution nameThe name of the financial institution that issued the credit or debit card.In-store
Issuer institution IDThe ID of the financial institution that issued the credit or debit card.In-store
Card acceptor IDThe ID of the store/location where payment originated from.In-store
Merchant detailsMerchant nameThe name of the merchant that the payment is associated with.In-store, Online
Merchant reference IDThe unique merchant-generated order reference or tracking number.Online
Order informationBuyer external IDThe unique identifier assigned to the online buyer in the merchant's ecommerce platform.Online
Display nameThe buyer's display name.Online
Buyer IDThe unique identifier assigned to this Buyer.Online
Card acceptor name locationThe store location or payment origination location.In-store, Online
Billing detailsFirst nameThe first name of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
Last nameThe last name of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
Email addressThe email of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
Phone numberThe phone number of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
House numberThe house number of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
Address line 1The address line 1 of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
Address line 2The address line 2 of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
CityThe city or suburb of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
StateThe state of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
PostcodeThe postal code of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
CountryThe country of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
OrganisationThe organisation of the customer paying for the good/service.Online
Shipping details (if shipping is included as part of the ecommerce transaction)First nameThe first name of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
Last nameThe last name of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
Email addressThe email of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
Phone numberThe phone of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
House numberThe house number of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
Address line 1The address line 1 of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
Address line 2The address line 2 of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
CityThe city of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
StateThe state of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
PostcodeThe postcode of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
CountryThe country of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
OrganisationThe organisation of the customer receiving for the good/service.Online
Transaction detailsTransaction typeIdentifies the type of the payment.In-store, Online
Total transaction amountThe total transaction amount and currency.In-store, Online
Purchase amountThe purchase amount and currency. This is applicable for in-store where the total purchase amount may be different to the total transaction amount due to cashout, tip, and surcharge amounts.In-store
Cashout amountThe cashout amount and currency.In-store
Tip amountThe tip amount and currency.In-store
Surcharge amountThe surcharge amount and currency.In-store
Captured amountThe captured amount for this payment.In-store, Online
Refunded amountThe total refunded amount for this payment.In-store, Online
Voided amountThe voided amount for this payment.Online
Retrieval reference number(RRN)The Retrieval Reference Number (RRN) of an in-store transaction. RRN is a a numeric key to uniquely identify a card-based payment.In-store
ResponseStatusThe payment status of the transaction.In-store, Online
Sub-statusReason for why the payment was declined - refer to Payment Status and Sub-status for more details.In-store, Online
Response codeResponse code received from the card issuer. When a payment has been declined or failed this field would have specific reason code.In-store, Online
DescriptionDescription of the response code. When a payment has been declined or failed this field would provide additional details.In-store, Online
AVSResponse code for Address Verification Service (AVS) check.Online
CVVResponse code for Card Verification Value (CVV) check.Online
Scheme transaction IDThe unique identifier assigned to this payment by the card network.Online
Reconciliation IDThe unique identifier assigned to this payment by the payment orhestration layer.Online
Service IDThe unique identifier assigned to this payment by the payment gateway.Online
Acceptance codeThe acceptance code of an in-store transaction.In-store
RecurringPayment source/Shopper interactionDenotes the source of the payment. e.g. ecommerce, recurring, instalment, card on fileOnline
Merchant initiatedA flag that indicates whether it is a merchant-initiated transaction (true) or a customer-initiated-transaction (false). A merchant-initiated-transaction (MIT) refers to a card payment made by a merchant without the presence of the buyer.Online
Subsequent transactionIndicates whether the transaction represents a subsequent payment coming from a recurring / installment.Online
Terminal InformationNetwork terminal IDThe ID of a payment terminal within a store.In-store
STAN (System audit trace number)The System Trace Audit Number (STAN) of an in-store transaction. STAN is a number generated by the cardholder bank that can be used to identify a payment.In-store
POS card data input methodCard data input method.In-store
3DSStatusThe status of the 3DS challenge for this transaction. (complete, cancelled, declined, error, setup_error)Online (3DS)
Method3DS authentication method (challenge or frictionless).Online (3DS)
VersionThe 3DS version used for this transaction.Online (3DS)
AuthenticationThe response for the 3DS authentication.Online (3DS)
CAVVThe cardholder authentication value or AAV.Online (3DS)
Transaction IDThe 3DS transaction identifier.Online (3DS)
ReasonThe reason identifier for a declined transaction. The value will be null if the 3DS is not declined.Online (3DS v2.2)