How to read the Payment preferences report

Monitor trends and shifts in consumer payment preferences

This dashboard provides an overview of sales and refunds, as well as the distribution of sales and transactions for different schemes and card types.


To customise the dashboard to your specific needs, use the following filters:

Field NameDescription
CompanyMerchant company as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
Merchant groupMerchant group as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
SiteMerchant site as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
ChannelThe payment channel used, e.g. In store, Online.
Card typeThe payment card type, e.g. Debit, Credit.
SchemeThe payment scheme, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc.


You can further tailor the dashboard by toggling the payment method type:

Toggle NameDescription
Payment method typeChoose the payment method attribute that you are interested in, either card type (e.g. Debit, Credit) or scheme (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc.)

Glance statistics

At the top of the page, you will find key metrics for easy access:

Current periodThe current reporting period.
Gross salesThe gross sales amount for all approved purchases in the current period net of reversals.
Transaction countThe total number of transactions in the current period.
Average transaction valueThe average transaction value is calculated as the gross sales amount divided by the total number of transactions.
RefundsThe refund amount for all approved refunds in the current period net of reversals.
Refund countThe total number of refunds in the current period.
Average refund valueThe average refund value is calculated as the total refund amount divided by the total number of refunds.

Sales value breakdown

The sales value breakdown chart details the contribution to gross sales by different payment methods or schemes over time, based on the payment method type toggle. You can toggle between payment method types to further explore the data.

This view covers the most recent 13 complete months, as well as the current month to date.

Transaction count breakdown

The transaction count breakdown chart highlights the contribution to transaction volume by different payment methods or schemes over time, based on the payment method type toggle.

This view also spans the most recent 13 complete months, along with the current month to date.

Gross sales and refunds

The gross sales and refunds chart provides a dual-axis view. On the left axis, you will find gross sales, while the right axis shows refunds as a percentage of sales.

This view covers the same time frame: the most recent 13 complete months and the current month to date.