How to read the Payment fees report

Reconcile payment fees charged and perform end of period adjustments.

This report provides a summary of interchange and processing fees associated with payments at a company, payout account and site.


To customise the dashboard to your needs, use the following filters:

Field NameDescription
CompanyMerchant company as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
Payout accountMerchant payout account as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
Site ID and nameMerchant site ID and name as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
Card typeThe payment card type, e.g. Debit, Credit, Alternative Payment Methods (APM).
SchemeThe payment scheme, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Alipay etc.
Store listing date rangeThe date range applicable to the store listing table. The listing table can be updated to reflect a total period of 6 months.


You can further tailor the dashboard using the following toggles:

Toggle NameDescription
TimeframeChoose between a daily, weekly or monthly selection for the dashboard data.
Calendar typeSelect either a regular calendar month (with varying days) or a retail month (following a 4-5-4 calendar) for comparability between periods.

Glance statistics

At the top of the page, you will find key metrics for easy access.

Current periodThis reflects the reporting period based on the user-selected toggles
Interchange feesThe interchange fee amount charged to the account in the current period.*
Processing feesThe processing fee amount charged to the account in the current period.*
Scheme feesThe scheme fee amount charged to the account in the current period.*
Total fee amountThe combination of the interchange fees and processing fees charged to the account in the current period.*

*The interchange fee, processing fee, scheme fee and total fee amounts charged are estimated for the last 3 full days in the current period.

Payment fees overview

The payment fees overview chart provides historical data on interchange, processing, and scheme fee amounts. Additionally, it shows the trends for respective interchange, processing, and scheme fee rates. These rates are calculated by dividing the total fee amount by the total number of transactions.

Payment fee breakdown by store

This section provides a detailed summary of fee amounts charged to the account at each of your sites. Interchange, processing, scheme, and total fee amounts are provided per site based on the selected store listing date range.