How to read the Store performance report

Understand the key drivers of your store level performance and how they compare against your industry.

In this dashboard you will find an overview of your stores' performance, benchmarked against your industry within the same geographical region.


To customise the dashboard, use the following filters:

Field NameDescription
CompanyMerchant company as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
Merchant groupMerchant group as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
BrandMerchant brand as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.


You can further tailor the dashboard using the metric toggle:

Toggle NameDescription
MetricChoose either “Sales” or “Sales Variance” (i.e., the difference from the previous month) to investigate specific performance aspects.

Top and bottom stores graph

The top and bottom stores graphs provide a visual representation of stores’ sales performance in the most recent month. The order is based on the selected metric toggle.

Top and bottom stores table

in the the top and bottom stores tables, you will find a detailed breakdown of individual store performance. It’s ordered by the selected metric toggle, allowing you to explore specific store performance drivers.

The following fields are available in the table:

Field NameDescription
StoreStore ID and store name as defined in your Wpay account hierarchy.
SalesSales refers to the total revenue earned by the store in the period.
Sales varianceSales Variance refers to the total revenue difference earned by the store between the latest month and the preceding month.
Contribution to salesThe proportion of your brand's total revenue that is earned by the specific store.
Sales % changeThe store's month on month (MoM) sales growth.
Benchmark sales % changeThe MoM sales growth of the benchmark industry in the store's geographical region.
Transactions % changeThe store's MoM transaction growth.
Benchmark transactions % changeThe MoM transaction growth of the benchmark industry in the store's geographical region.
Average transaction value % changeThe store's MoM average transaction value growth.
Benchmark average transaction value % changeThe MoM average transaction value growth of the benchmark industry in the store's geographical region.