Payment status and sub-status

Find out about payment status and sub-status in the search and details pages.

Payment status

The payment status relates to the stages of a payment transaction. The payment status can be as follows:

StatusDescriptionApplies to
AuthenticatingThe payment was created but needs approval from the buyer either by redirecting them to a hosted page or their bank for 3DS.Online
AuthorisingThe payment record has been created in the system and is now being processed with your payment services.Online
AuthorisedThe payment has been successfully authorised but not yet captured.Online
CapturingThe payment has been successfully authorised and a request to capture is now being processed.Online
CapturedThe payment has been successfully authorised and captured.In-store, Online
Partial CaptureThe payment has been successfully authorised and captured for an amount less than the authorised amount.Online
FailedThe payment could not be authorised due to technical issues.Online
DeclinedThe payment was declined by the payment service.In-store, Online
Partial RefundThe payment has been successfully refunded where the refund amount is less than the captured amount.Online
RefundedThe payment has been fully refunded.In-store, Online
RefundingA request to refund is currently being processed.Online
VoidedThe payment was successfully authorised but has since been voided before it was captured.Online
VoidingThe authorised payment transaction where a request to void is now being processed.Online
ReversedThe in-store payment was reversedIn-store

Payment sub-status

In the event of a payment failure, the sub-status provides a high-level diagnosis of the error and the reason behind the payment declines. The payment sub-status can be any of the following:

ApprovedThe payment was successfully authorised.
Card errorThe payment was declined due to card-related error such as expired card, CVV validation failure, etc.
Card issuer errorThe payment was declined due to an error or decline returned by card issuer such as do not honour, card issuer timeout, etc.
Account errorThe payment was declined due to a problem with the customer's account such as invalid account, no savings account, etc.
Fraud/security errorThe payment was declined due to potential fraudulent activities or security errors such as lost / stolen card, fraud decline, etc.
Transaction errorA generic transaction error.
System errorThe payment was declined due to a system error.
PIN errorThe payment was declined due to invalid PIN (for in-store transactions).
Network errorThe payment was declined due to a network or connectivity errors.
Funds errorThe payment was declined due to funds related errors such as Insufficient funds, etc.