Instrument Details Enquiry

You can use the GET Instrument Details API to obtain the latest instrument details and status information.


Instrument Label

The Instrument label type and value might change whenever the buyer chooses to update their PayTo agreement details via their bank.

Label typeIndicates that
BBANThe buyer has used their bsb and bank account number for this PayTo agreement. Please use 'Bank Account' when displaying the instrument label value to the buyer.
PAYIDThe buyer has used their PayID for this PayTo agreement. Please use 'PayID' when displaying the instrument label value to the buyer.

Instrument statusIndicates that
PendingWe have successfully created the PayTo agreement in the NPP infrastructure, and are waiting the buyers authorisation.
ActiveThe PayTo agreement is active and is able to make payments.
PausedThe PayTo agreement has been temporarily suspended by the buyer in their bank and needs to be resumed to make payments.
CancelledThe PayTo agreement has been permanently canceled and can no longer be used to make payments.