Customer Experience Considerations

Buyers should be provided with the option to add PayTo instruments to their digital wallet. Two scenarios need to be considered:

  1. Buyer has no saved PayTo instruments, and must be given the option to set one up.
  2. Buyer has at least one PayTo instrument, and should be given the option to set up more (e.g. they might want to use a different bank account).

To set up and save new PayTo instruments, buyers must be redirected to our PayTo experience. Upon successful redirection buyers will perform the following steps:

  1. Submit their bank account details, which in turn creates the PayTo Instrument;
  2. Authorise the agreement in their bank, therefore activating the PayTo Instrument and triggering the redirection back to merchant's e-commerce store;

Once back in the merchant's digital wallet or checkout view, buyers can select the PayTo instrument and make a payment.


To perform this redirect, you must

  1. Call the POST Instrument Session API,
  2. Use the received Wpay redirection URL to perform a browser redirect.


Best PayTo customer experience

  • Display the PayTo payment method in line with other payment methods already available in your store
    • Incorporate the PayTo logo
    • Incorporate a catchy tag line (e.g. Immediate, easy and secure payment from your bank account.)
    • Tag this payment method as 'New!'
  • Tailor the action button, 'Setup PayTo', and brand with logo

UX/UI sample 1: Buyer is adding a PayTo instrument in the context of their digital wallet

UX/UI sample 2: Buyer is adding a PayTo instrument in the context of Checkout