Customer Experience Considerations


Best PayTo customer experience

  1. Buyer selects a PayTo Instrument, and the 'Pay with PayTo' button is enabled;
  2. Buyer clicks the 'Pay with PayTo' button, and the 'Order Confirmation' page is displayed.

Please follow these steps to enable the best PayTo customer experience:

  1. Call our Make Payment API as soon as the buyer clicks the 'Pay with PayTo' button;

  2. Display a little payment processing animation while waiting for our response, and ensure the 'Pay with PayTo' button cannot be invertedly clicked again;

  3. Display the 'Order Confirmation' as soon as our completed payment response has been received.


Rejected Payment

Maintain the buyer in the checkout and display the payment rejection reason we have provided. In most cases the buyer will be able to recover by themselves (e.g. insufficient funds in their account)

At this point the buyer should be able to retry the PayTo payment again, or use an alternative payment method.

UX/UI Sample: Making a PayTo Payment