Transaction History

All transactions processed through Wpay can be retrieved along with the important transaction details you or your customer's may be interested in.

The transaction history can be retrieved for a specific customer, for all your transactions as a merchant across customers or a specific transaction.

Transaction History List

The transaction history lists return multiple transactions either for a specific customer or all your transactions for your merchant. These services utilise Pagination to keep the responses quick and minimise the data returned.

Customer's Transaction History List

The customer transaction history list will show all transactions for a specific customer.

curl --location --request GET 'https://{{environment}}' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: {{yourAPIKey}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{yourBearerToken}}' \

Merchant's Transaction History List

The merchant transaction history list will show all transactions for you as a merchant across customers.

curl --location --request GET 'https://{{environment}}' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: {{yourAPIKey}}' \


Guest Customer's Transaction History

A guest customer's transaction history will be viewable through the merchant's transaction history list & transaction history detail API calls, however, the customer list and detail APIs will not return any transaction history data for a specific guest user as a guest users payments are anonymous.

Transaction History Detail

Using a transaction reference you are also able to get a single transaction and retrieve the transaction details for the specified transaction.

Customer's Transaction History Detail

The customer transaction history detail will retrieve the specified transaction for the customer and uses the bearer token to ensure that customers do not see other customers transactions.

curl --location --request GET 'https://{{environment}}' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: {{yourAPIKey}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{yourBearerToken}}' \

Merchant's Transaction History Detail

The merchant transaction history detail will retrieve the specified transaction for any transaction through you as the merchant.

curl --location --request GET 'https://{{environment}}' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: {{yourAPIKey}}' \

Transaction History Outcome

    "data": {
        "transactions": [
                "type": "PAYMENT",
                "status": "APPROVED",
                "walletId": "28e76b0e-ee08-43cf-8cae-5bf21b3b6fbf",
                "grossAmount": 199.99,
                "instruments": [
                        "transactions": [
                                "type": "PAYMENT",
                                "amount": 199.99,
                                "status": "APPROVED",
                                "executionTime": "2021-10-06T01:41:35.790Z",
                                "paymentTransactionRef": "1000000007828200"
                        "instrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
                        "paymentInstrumentId": "215914"
                "executionTime": "2021-10-06T01:41:35.321Z",
                "transactionId": "33095ed8-ccdb-40eb-88f8-f937d3ee625f",
                "clientReference": "9988776655443322",
                "subTransactions": [
                        "fraudResponse": {
                            "clientId": "6334844975146683503012",
                            "decision": "REJECT",
                            "reasonCode": "481"
                        "partialSuccess": false,
                        "paymentResponses": [
                                "threeDS": {
                                    "car": null,
                                    "sli": null,
                                    "dsTransID": null
                                "receiptData": {
                                    "scheme": "VISA",
                                    "cardSuffix": "0608",
                                    "expiryYear": "23",
                                    "expiryMonth": "02"
                                "paymentToken": "aaf5f76d-1685-42f1-a046-30dea061467f",
                                "externalServiceCode": "00",
                                "paymentInstrumentId": "215914",
                                "paymentInstrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
                                "paymentTransactionRef": "1000000007828200",
                                "externalServiceMessage": "APPROVED",
                                "extendedTransactionData": [
                                        "field": "bin",
                                        "value": "456004"
                                        "field": "stan",
                                        "value": "031455"
                                        "field": "rrn",
                                        "value": "000000031455"
                                        "field": "mid",
                                        "value": "611000602008843"
                                        "field": "terminalId",
                                        "value": "W8843100"
                        "transactionReceipt": "1000000007828200"
                "paymentRequestId": "f04a0119-8592-46eb-a233-5589231af9c1",
                "merchantReferenceId": "1234567912"
                "type": "PAYMENT",
                "status": "APPROVED",
                "walletId": "28e76b0e-ee08-43cf-8cae-5bf21b3b6fbf",
                "grossAmount": 49.99,
                "instruments": [
                        "transactions": [
                                "type": "PAYMENT",
                                "amount": 49.99,
                                "status": "APPROVED",
                                "executionTime": "2021-10-06T01:40:56.132Z",
                                "paymentTransactionRef": "1000000007828196"
                        "instrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
                        "paymentInstrumentId": "215913"
                "executionTime": "2021-10-06T01:40:55.495Z",
                "transactionId": "e653a4ba-ddbf-4406-894b-cbea299336b5",
                "clientReference": "9988776655443322",
                "subTransactions": [
                        "fraudResponse": {
                            "clientId": "6334844583416297603010",
                            "decision": "REJECT",
                            "reasonCode": "481"
                        "partialSuccess": false,
                        "paymentResponses": [
                                "threeDS": {
                                    "car": null,
                                    "sli": null,
                                    "dsTransID": null
                                "receiptData": {
                                    "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
                                    "cardSuffix": "0407",
                                    "expiryYear": "23",
                                    "expiryMonth": "01"
                                "paymentToken": "b6a0e2f4-df26-4478-aecd-c06db438365d",
                                "externalServiceCode": "00",
                                "paymentInstrumentId": "215913",
                                "paymentInstrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
                                "paymentTransactionRef": "1000000007828196",
                                "externalServiceMessage": "APPROVED",
                                "extendedTransactionData": [
                                        "field": "bin",
                                        "value": "512899"
                                        "field": "stan",
                                        "value": "031453"
                                        "field": "rrn",
                                        "value": "000000031453"
                                        "field": "mid",
                                        "value": "611000602008843"
                                        "field": "terminalId",
                                        "value": "W8843100"
                        "transactionReceipt": "1000000007828196"
                "paymentRequestId": "ee3626f5-e066-43a9-bb92-424df4814409",
                "merchantReferenceId": "1234567911"
    "meta": {
        "recordCount": 2,
        "totalRecords": 153