Wpay has partnered with Sift to leverage their machine learning capabilities to detect and prevent fraud. Sift makes risk predictions using your own data and data from across Sift’s global network to identify patterns across thousands of device, user, network, and transactional signals.

Whilst Cybersource evaluates orders after payments, Sift Payment Protection checks for frauds before payments, providing the flexibility for you to take actions on the transaction.

Similar to Cybersource, Sift returns three different possible fraud responses - Accept, Reject, or flagging an order for Review.

DecisionReason CodeDescription
Accept100No fraud detected. Payment to proceed after fraud check.
Review480Fraud potential. Payment to proceed whilst the transaction is flagged for review in Sift. The fraud team should manually review the transaction to determine the next course of actions to take.
Reject481Fraud likely. Payment blocked and a Reject response returned to you to take further actions.

You may then determine the desired customer experience and how you wish to proceed with the transaction based on fraud outcomes e.g. if the outcome is Reject (481) you may wish to block the user from your store.

Merchant Configuration

To utilise Sift capabilities, we will need to configure this for you along with any of your merchant-specific rules during the onboarding process. Once successfully set up you can submit a request to make a payment with Sift fraud payload included to trigger the fraud-checking process.

Step 1: Create a Sift Merchant Account

To begin using Sift as your fraud screening solution you first need to setup a Sift instance which will be specific to your organisation. Your Wpay account management representative will be able to support you through the steps of setting up the Sift instance as part of your integration process.

Step 2: Loading historical data into Sift

Sift uses a machine learning algorithm to perform fraud scoring for transactions. It's recommended by Sift to backfill at least 3 - 6 months of historical data to get the best performance from the platform from day one. Sift outlines how to complete this process on the following page. As an optional step you might also wish to backfill the decisions of your current fraud engine. Your Wpay account management representative will be able to support you through the steps of backfilling your historical data.

Step 3: Config API Keys for Sandbox & PROD

The Sift solution requires your Sift API-key to be set up in APIGEE to enable the connection between the Wpay Platform and Sift. This step needs to be completed for both the non-PROD and PROD environments. Your Wpay account management representative will be able to support you through the process.

Step 4: Configuration of the Sift Rules

Once the above steps have been completed it's now time to setup your fraud rules in Sift. Your Wpay account management representative will be able to support you through the steps configuring your fraud rules.


Fraud Rule Considerations

If you are already using an existing fraud screening provider for fraud scoring you will need to work with your account management representative to perform an analysis to ensure your existing rules can be imported into Sift. Alternatively, if you aren't using an existing fraud screening provider, you will need to define and implement your fraud rules.

Step 5: Integration with the Wpay Platform

Now that the pre-requisite steps have been completed you are now ready to integrate with the Wpay platform to use Sift as your fraud screening provider. The Sift payload has been designed as structured JSON with its own schema in order to make the information easier to read by your developers.


Customer Experience Considerations

Merchant must also update their orchestration logic and customer experience to handle a payment declined due to fraud before the payment occurs. Therefore, a new screen might be required to tell the customer their payment was unsuccessful but not tipping of a potential fraudster that it was due to fraud screening being utilised. The current process for Cybersource is post the payment being processed the merchant can reverse the transaction by either:

  1. Void the transaction, if processed as a pre-auth.
  2. Refund the transaction, if processed as a purchase.

Step 6: Embed the Sift snippets

JavaScript Snippet for all web traffic (Front-End)JavaScript SnippetWhere to deploy?

On all customer facing pages on your website

Before Login

Set the $session_id field

After Login

Set the $user_id field (should match the $user_id on REST API). Maintain the $session_id


Disable the JS snippet for ALL Internal User Activity i.e. admins, analysts making bookings/orders on the behalf of users etc
Mobile SDK OverviewMobile SDK OverviewN/A
Mobile SDK for mobile apps

66 KB including dependencies


Access to Internet (Required), Location (Optional), Gyroscope (Optional)

OS Support

iOS 10+

Data Usage

~6kb of data per minute of active app use; App State + Device Information Collected and Sent via SDK
App State sent once every minute, Device Info sent once every hour or whenver it changes


Cocoapods + Carthage Installation OR via Github repo
Mobile SDK for mobile apps
Android SDKSize

4.5 MB total with all dependencies (3 MB without common libraries)


Access to Internet (Required), Fine Location (Optional), Coarse Location (Optional)

OS Support

Support for Jelly Bean 4.1.x (Android API 16+)

Data Usage

Uses ~6kb of data per minute of active app use; App State + Device Information Collected and Sent via SDK
App State sent once every minute, Device Info sent once every hour or whenver it changes


Maven or Jcenter Integration OR via Github repo

High Level Flow


Fraud Payload

The Fraud payload for Sift will be sent as part of the payment please refer to Making a Payment.

FieldDescriptionMandatory / Data Type
schemaIdThe ID of the previously configured schema that will be used to validate the contents of the fraud payload. The schema ID will be given back to the merchant during their setup process.Yes
sessionIdThe user's current session ID.No
orderIdThe ID for tracking this order in your system.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
userEmailEmail of the user creating this order.No
amountTotal transaction amount.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
currencyISO-4217 currency code for the amount.No
sellerUserIdThe seller's user ID for marketplace.No
verificationPhoneNumberPhone number of the user. This phone number will be used to send One-Time Password (OTP) when required. The phone number should be in E.164 format including + and a country code.No
shippingTrackingNumbersShipping tracking number(s) for the shipment of the product(s).No
Array of String
billingAddress - firstNameThe first name of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
billingAddress - lastNameThe last name of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
billingAddress - emailThe email of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo
billingAddress - phoneThe phone number of the customer paying for the good/service. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+61433666666"No
billingAddress - streetAddressThe street address of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
billingAddress - extendedAddressThe extended address of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo
billingAddress - suburbThe suburb of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
billingAddress - stateOrTerritoryThe state of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
billingAddress - postalCodeThe postal code of the customer paying for the good/serviceNo, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
billingAddress - countryCodeThe country of the customer paying for the good/service.

Use the two-character ISO-3166 country codes.
No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
orderFrom - storeIdThe customer’s internal identifier for the specific physical location providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - nameThe full name associated with the store address providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - address1The address first line of the store providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - address2The address second line of the store providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - suburbThe city of the store providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - postalCodeThe postal code of the store providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - stateOrTerritoryThe suburb of the store providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - countryCodeThe ISO-3166 country code of the store providing the good or service.No
orderFrom - storeAddress - phoneThe phone of the store providing the good or service.No
brandNameName of the brand of product or service being purchased.No
siteDomainDomain being interfaced with. Use fully qualified domain name.No
siteCountryCountry the company is providing service from. Use ISO-3166 country code.No
shippingAddress - firstNameThe first name associated with the address where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
shippingAddress - lastNameThe last name associated with the address where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
shippingAddress - emailThe customer's email associated with the address where the product is shipped to.No
shippingAddress - phoneThe customer's phone associated with the address where the product is shipped to.No
shippingAddress - streetAddressThe street address of the customer where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
shippingAddress - extendedAddressThe extended address of the customer where the product is shipped to.No
shippingAddress - suburbThe suburb of the customer where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
shippingAddress - stateOrTerritoryThe state of the customer where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
shippingAddress - postalCodeThe postal code of the customer where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
shippingAddress - countryCodeThe ISO-3166 country code of the customer where the product is shipped to.No, but strongly recommended to improve fraud scoring.
expeditedShippingA flag to indicate whether the user requested priority/expedited shipping on their order.No
shippingMethodThe method of delivery to the user.No
Allowed values: [electronic, physical]
shippingCarrierShipping carrier for the shipment of the product.No
shippingTrackingNumbersShipping tracking number(s) for the shipment of the product(s).No
Array of String
basketData - itemIdThe item's unique identifier of good/service sold by your business.No
basketData - descriptionThe item descriptionNo
basketData - quantityThe quantity of the item.No
basketData - priceThe item unit priceNo
basketData - skuIf the item has a Stock-keeping Unit ID (SKU), provide it here.No
basketData - brandThe brand name of the item.No
basketData - categoryThe category this item is listed under in your business. e.g., "kitchen appliance", "menswear > pants".No
basketData - currencyCodeISO-4217 currency code for the price.No
basketData - upcIf the item has a Universal Product Code (UPC), provide it here.No
basketData - isbnIf the item is a book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), provide it here.No
basketData - manufacturerName of the item's manufacturer.No
basketData - tagsThe tags used to describe this item in your business. e.g., "funny", "halloween".No
Array of String
basketData - colorThe color of the item.No
basketData - sizeThe size of the item.No
promotion - promotionIdThe ID within your system that you use to represent this promotion. This ID is ideally unique to the promotion across users.No
promotion - descriptionPromotion descriptionNo
promotion - statusPromotion statusNo
Allowed values [success, failure]
promotion - failureReasonReason why adding a promotion fails.No
Allowed values [already_used, invalid_code, not_applicable, expiredsuccess`]
promotion - discount - currencyCodeISO-4217 currency code for the discount amount.No
promotion - discount - percentageOffThe percentage discount. If the discount is 10% off, you would send "0.1".No
promotion - discount - amountThe amount of the discount that the promotion offers.No
promotion - discount - minimumPurchaseAmountThe minimum amount someone must spend in order for the promotion to be applied.No
mobileApp - operatingSystemChoose either mobileApp or browser, not both.
The operating system on which application is running. (e.g. iOS, Android)
mobileApp - osVersionThe operating system version on which application is running. (e.g. 10.3.1, 7.1.1)No
mobileApp - deviceManufacturerThe manufacturer of the device on which application is running. (e.g. Samsung, Apple, LG)No
mobileApp - deviceModelThe model of the device on which application is running. (e.g. SM-G920x, iPhone8,1)No
mobileApp - deviceUniqueIdThe unique ID of the device on which application is running. For iOS, send the IFV identifier. For Android, send the Android ID.No
mobileApp - appNameThe name of your application.No
mobileApp - appVersionThe version of your application. Our accepted format is numbers separated by periods.No
mobileApp - clientLanguageThe language the application content is being delivered in. Use ISO-3166 format for country codes. Examples: "en", "en-us, de", "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5", etc.No
browser - userAgentChoose either mobileApp or browser, not both.Yes if browser is not null / empty
browser - acceptLanguageThe language(s) that the client is requesting the site content be delivered in. Use ISO-3166 format for country codes. Examples: "en", "en-us, de", "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5", etc.No
browser - contentLanguageThe language(s) of the user that the delivered site content is intended for. Use ISO-3166 format for country codes. Examples: "en", "en-us, de", "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5", etc.No

Fraud Payload Example

Example of the fraud payload passed as part of a payment:

  "data": {
    "transactionType": {
      "creditCard": "PREAUTH",
      "giftCard": "PURCHASE",
      "payPal": "PURCHASE",
      "googlePay": {
        "creditCard": "PREAUTH",
        "debitCard": "PURCHASE"
      "applePay": {
        "creditCard": "PREAUTH",
        "debitCard": "PURCHASE"
    "clientReference": "ORDER-28168441",
    "orderNumber": "CUST_ORDER-123654",
    "payments": [
        "paymentInstrumentId": "124****",
        "amount": 14.99
  "meta": {
    "fraud": {
        "provider": "sift",
        "version": "sift_1.101",
        "format": "JSON",
        "responseFormat": "JSON",
        "message": "",    
        "payload": {
            "schemaId": "66847d9f-07c5-4647-****-************",
            "sessionId": "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
            "orderId": "ORDER-28168441",
            "userEmail": "[email protected]",
            "amount": "14.99",
            "currency": "AUD",
            "billingAddress": {
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Sena",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": "0470623177",
                "extendedAddress": "4th Floor",
                "streetAddress": "407 Elizabeth Street",
                "suburb": "Surry Hills",
                "stateOrTerritory": "NSW",
                "postalCode": "2765",
                "countryCode": "AU"
            "orderFrom": {
                "storeId": "1234",
                "storeAddress": {
                    "name": "Toongabbie",
                    "address1": "15 Aurelia Street",
                    "suburb": "Toongabbie",
                    "stateOrTerritory": "NSW",
                    "countryCode": "AU",
                    "phone": "(02) 9636 5121"
            "brandName": "Woolworths online",
            "siteDomain": "woolworths.com.au",
            "siteCountry": "AU",
            "shippingAddress": {
                "firstName": "James",
                "lastName": "Smith",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": "0470623177",
                "extendedAddress": "4th Floor",
                "streetAddress": "407 Elizabeth Street",
                "suburb": "Surry Hills",
                "stateOrTerritory": "NSW",
                "postalCode": "2765",
                "countryCode": "AU"
            "expeditedShipping": true,
            "shippingMethhod": "Physical",
            "shippingCarrier": "UPS",
            "shippingTrackingNumbers": [
            "basketData": [
                    "itemId": "999084",
                    "description": "Cat Amongst The Pigeons Shiraz",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "price": 14.99,
                    "sku": "322022",
                    "brand": "Cat Amongst The Pigeons",
                    "category": "56",
                    "tags": [
          							"On Sale"
            "promotion": [
                    "promotionId": "FirstTimeBuyer",
                    "description": "$5 off",
                    "status": "success",
                    "discount": {
                        "currencyCode": "AUD",
                        "amount": "1",
                        "minimumPurchaseAmount": "17"
            "browser": {
                "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",
                "acceptLanguage": "en-US",
                "contentLanguage": "en-GB"
    "challengeResponses": [
        "instrumentId": "124****",
        "type": "STEP_UP",
        "token": "**********************"


Example of Fraud Response - Accept

    "data": {
        "transactionId": "aaff67e0-e078-42b2-****-************",
        "paymentRequestId": "f55bee99-5b75-41ad--****-************",
        "type": "PAYMENT",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "grossAmount": 14.99,
        "executionTime": "2022-08-11T10:08:13.808Z",
        "merchantId": "WpayTestAPM",
        "merchantReferenceId": "5bhygswbhwx",
        "clientReference": "2042f2be-699e-418c-****-************",
        "fraudCheckProvider": "sift",
        "instruments": [
                "paymentInstrumentId": "2499531",
                "instrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
                "transactions": [
                        "type": "PREAUTH",
                        "executionTime": "2022-08-11T10:08:20.918Z",
                        "paymentTransactionRef": "100000002673****",
                        "status": "APPROVED",
                        "amount": 14.99
        "subTransactions": [
                "transactionReceipt": "100000002673****",
                "partialSuccess": false,
                "fraudResponse": {
                    "clientId": "sift_test_acct_id",
                    "riskScore": 0.5544041033169816,   // risk score returned by Sift
                    "reasonCode": "100",
                    "decision": "ACCEPT",   // Decision = ACCEPT
                    "riskInformation": [
                            "app": "decision",
                            "name": "Accept User",
                            "state": "running",
                            "decision": "accept_user_payment_abuse"
                            "app": "decision",
                            "name": "Accept Order",
                            "state": "running",
                            "decision": "accept_order_payment_abuse"
                "paymentResponses": [
                        "paymentInstrumentId": "249****",
                        "paymentToken": "3ff50323-d8aa-4188-****-************",
                        "paymentTransactionRef": "100000002673****",
                        "threeDS": {
                            "sli": null,
                            "car": null,
                            "dsTransID": null
                        "receiptData": {
                            "expiryMonth": "12",
                            "cardSuffix": "1493",
                            "scheme": "MASTERCARD",
                            "expiryYear": "99"
                        "extendedTransactionData": [
                                "field": "bin",
                                "value": "521729"
                                "field": "stan",
                                "value": "003129"
                                "field": "rrn",
                                "value": "000000003129"
                                "field": "mid",
                                "value": "6110006020Q0008"
                                "field": "terminalId",
                                "value": "Q0008101"
                        "externalServiceCode": "00",
                        "externalServiceMessage": "APPROVED",
                        "paymentInstrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD"
    "meta": {}

Example of Reject Fraud Response

    "data": {
        "transactionId": "54738bcd-9160-44de-****-************",
        "paymentRequestId": "2a6c9a56-b292-4e13-****-************",
        "type": "PAYMENT",
        "status": "REJECTED",
        "rollback": "NOT_REQUIRED",
        "grossAmount": 0.01,
        "executionTime": "2022-08-11T23:50:39.262Z",
        "merchantId": "WpayTestAPM",
        "merchantReferenceId": "lvjmy6ik75",
        "clientReference": "lvjmy6ik75",
        "fraudCheckProvider": "sift",
        "instruments": [
                "paymentInstrumentId": "249****",
                "instrumentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
                "transactions": []
        "subTransactions": [
                "fraudResponse": {
                    "clientId": "sift_test_acct_id",
                    "riskScore": 0.6722685731793858,   // Fraud scoring
                    "reasonCode": "481",
                    "decision": "REJECT",   // Decision = REJECT
                    "riskInformation": [
                            "app": "decision",
                            "name": "Block User",
                            "state": "running",
                            "decision": "block_user_payment_abuse"
                            "app": "decision",
                            "name": "Accept Order",
                            "state": "running",
                            "decision": "accept_order_payment_abuse"
    "meta": {}

Example of Review Fraud Response

    "data": {
        "transactionId": "0f562574-3aa9-45f9-****-************",
        "paymentRequestId": "116da4f9-1bcc-46c9-****-************",
        "type": "PAYMENT",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "grossAmount": 0.5,
        "executionTime": "2022-08-12T02:10:55.957Z",
        "merchantId": "WpayTestAPM",
        "merchantReferenceId": "4a18dd32-efc2-4242-****-************",
        "clientReference": "010219b3-4e44-48e2-****-************",
        "fraudCheckProvider": "sift",
        "instruments": [
                "paymentInstrumentId": "249****",
                "instrumentType": "APPLE_PAY",
                "transactions": [
                        "type": "PREAUTH",
                        "executionTime": "2022-08-12T02:10:57.728Z",
                        "paymentTransactionRef": "100000002674****",
                        "status": "APPROVED",
                        "amount": 0.5
        "subTransactions": [
                "transactionReceipt": "100000002674****",
                "partialSuccess": false,
                "fraudResponse": {
                    "clientId": "sift_test_acct_id",
                    "riskScore": 0.6492781559924097,  // Risk scoring
                    "reasonCode": "480",
                    "decision": "REVIEW",   // Decision = REVIEW
                    "riskInformation": [
                            "app": "review queue",
                            "name": "Manual Review - User",
                            "state": "running",
                            "decision": "review"
                            "app": "review queue",
                            "name": "Manual Review - Order",
                            "state": "running",
                            "decision": "review"
                "paymentResponses": [
                        "paymentInstrumentId": "249****",
                        "paymentToken": "affc24b1-3a03-4209-****-************",
                        "paymentTransactionRef": "100000002674****",
                        "extendedTransactionData": [
                                "field": "bin",
                                "value": "520424"
                                "field": "stan",
                                "value": "003144"
                                "field": "rrn",
                                "value": "000000003144"
                                "field": "mid",
                                "value": "6110006020Q0008"
                                "field": "terminalId",
                                "value": "Q0008101"
                        "externalServiceCode": "00",
                        "externalServiceMessage": "APPROVED",
                        "paymentInstrumentType": "APPLE_PAY"
    "meta": {}