Error Codes

View the list of errors you may encounter


Card Present Gateway

If you want to access information about our in-store offering, you may check the API specifications here: In-store Transactions Overview

Error Response Payload

Cards Connect will return one of these HTTP status codes in the error response:

These are the standard error fields included as part of the response:

typeURLLink to the HTTP status code definition
titleStringDescribes the type of error - indicates if business rule related
statusNumberHTTP status code
errorsObjectContains the error details
errors.key - key nameStringThe name of the field containing the error.
errors.keyArray of StringEach element in the array contains the details of the validation error

400 Bad Request

This is used to indicate that request payload format is invalid.


  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "errors": {
    "reconciliationId": [
      "The ReconciliationId field is required."
  "traceId": "00-66dcc869c9943e961a69464cf0a8f9ac-8ae5bc23410ea958-00"

422 Unprocessable Content

This is used to indicate that the format of the request payload is correct, but the content of the message violates one or more business rules.


  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more business validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 422,
  "errors": {
    "amount": [
      "Amount must not exceed merchant limit"

Generic Transaction Errors

Error CodeError DescriptionHTTP Status CodeDetail
TRAN01Merchant is not transaction ready422Merchant is not yet activated or a key parameter is missing in the merchant profile.
TRAN02Transaction already exists422This is an idempotency error that is thrown whenever an authorization already exists during an auth call for that merchant
TRAN03Invalid card expiry422The format of the card expiry does not match MM/yy

Or, the card is expired.

Authorisation Errors

Authorisation Errors

Error CodeError DescriptionHTTP Status CodeDetail
AUTH01The supplied Authorization header value is not a JWT token401Self-explanatory
AUTH02The authentication token is missing the keyId field401Self-explanatory
AUTH03The supplied keyId does not match a known credential401Self-explanatory
AUTH04The credential has expired401Self-explanatory
AUTH05The authentication token did not pass JWT validation. Possible causes include: expired token, invalid signature or other JWT validation error. The error summary is included in the error message401Self-explanatory
AUTH06The method claim in token does not match the HTTP method requested401Self-explanatory
AUTH07The path claim in the token does not match the HTTP path requested401Self-explanatory
AUTH08The query claim in the token does not match the HTTP query parameters requested401Self-explanatory
AUTH09A request body was supplied but the sha256 claim on the token is not present401Self-explanatory
AUTH10A sha256 claim is present on the token but no request body was supplied401Self-explanatory
AUTH11The computed sha256 hash of the request body does not match the sha256 claim in the token401Self-explanatory
AUTH12The application experienced an unexpected error while executing the JWS Authorization Handler401Self-explanatory
AUTH20The credential is not authorized to access the Merchant Id header value401Self-explanatory
AUTH21The application experienced an unexpected error while executing the JWS Authorization Handler (internal to AuthenticationCredentialProvider)401Self-explanatory